My husband is amazing!

2017 is the year I'm going to get my home organized. We built our home 2 years ago. It's our dream home and I love it. But it hasn't been easy- we had a rough start and many hurdles. This year though, I'm motivated to persevere, get organized and start living. Like really living, and enjoying all the blessings that surround us. Our first organizing life changing project- the front hall closet. In theory, it'll be a place where our 5 kiddos will actually hang their jackets up and be able to find them when it's time to take off again... ha! Like it'll ever really be truly organized. But it'll be a start, and it's better than the floor!
Need to brag about this project. It's not completely done- still need to add screw plugs, trim the upper cubbies and add hooks & baskets. My hubby made this, from scratch... literally. He planned the oak boards from reclaimed train yard salvage! This is his first wood working project and I'm blown away!
